General Meeting Minutes 2024
General Meeting Minutes 2024 of the Cloyne and District Historical Society.
General Meeting Minutes 2024 of the Cloyne and District Historical Society.
Margaret Axford will be the guest speaker at the next Cloyne and District Historical Society general meeting on Monday, November 20th 1 pm at the Barrie Community Hall.
On Monday October 16th at 1PM in the Barrie Community Hall, the Cloyne & District Historical Society will host historian Chris Anstead. In his presentation “The colonization roads of Eastern Ontario, and the villages they produced”. One of those roads, of course, runs right by our Pioneer Museum. Come out and bring your friends.
Did you know that two made for cinema movies were filmed in the Cloyne area in 1976 and 1981? The movies ‘Surfacing’ and ‘The Far Shore’ were filmed with US and Canadian actors in Bon Echo and Skootamatta Lake. Why did the directors choose our area? What was the budget of the films? How did the actual filming affect individual property owners?
Every individual needs to prepare a will and appoint an executor, and people often appoint their children as both executors and beneficiaries. Join us for more details at the next Speakers’ Forum.