Our Lady Of The Holy Rosary Cemetery – Now Online!
Photos of the Our Lady Of The Holy Rosary Cemetery in Griffith have been added to the CDHS Cemetery Flickr site increasing the site to 1300+ photos.
Photos of the Our Lady Of The Holy Rosary Cemetery in Griffith have been added to the CDHS Cemetery Flickr site increasing the site to 1300+ photos.
Join us November 21st for the showing of the vintage documentary ‘For The Record’ featuring Gene Brown and Nadine Brumell. All are welcome!
The Cloyne and District Historical Society’s annual Christmas Lunch will be held December 5th, 2022, at Hunter’s Creek Golf Course, Everyone is Welcome!
Join us at the Barrie Community Hall at 1 pm on October 17th to meet Joanne Himmelman (Curator) and Heather Wilson (Archivist) fromt the Museum of Lennox & Addington County.
Logger memorials on the Madawaska can be found in the Lower Madawaska Slate Falls Park and in the Holy Resory Cemetery in Griffith.
Gail Holtzhauer tells some of the history of her family and Snider’s Tent and Trailer Park in Matawatchan, Ontario.
The first Matawatchan Picnic was held in 1886 as a fundraiser to build the first church in Matawatchan. This video was shot 100 years later in 1986.
Shirley Sedore gave a presentation to the Cloyne and District Historical Society about the history of the volunteer ambulance services.
CDHS President Shirley Sedore will be speaking on the history of the volunteer ambulance service that operated for many years in the area.
Take a trip back 50 years ago and see the businesses that were in our villages and the people that lived there. Many are long gone but many are still here.