The Bookstore catalog includes fiction and non-fiction books of local historical interest by local authors. Books are also available for purchase in the Museum. Shipping costs for online orders is extra, although we make every effort to ship by the most economical means. We will contact you before shipping to confirm your order.
Away Back in Clarendon Miller
$25.00 -
Bon Echo – The Denison Years
$17.00 -
The Good Echo
$30.00 -
The Hard Road Ahead (Two Books)
$50.00 -
Whiskey & Wickedness
$28.00 -
The Oxen and the Axe
$25.00 -
The Skootamatta Ozone Ball
$25.00 -
This Was Yesterday
$20.00 -
Massanoga – The Art of Bon Echo
$30.00 -
The Sunset of Bon Echo
$50.00 -
The Mazinaw Experience – Bon Echo and Beyond
$25.00 -
Looking Back Driving Tour
$8.00 -
Reflections – A Collection of Art by Carol Brown
$18.00 -
In the Shadow of the Rock – Bon Echo’s Story
$28.00 -
A Surprise for Duncan Bear
Order Form
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CDHS Invites You To Join Us!
Membership allows you to take full advantage of what the Society and Museum have to offer. Members are eligible to vote at all general meetings including the AGM and to run for a position on the Board of Directors. The annual fee is only $10.00 per person. Sign up today to learn and share our history!