In 2013, Derek Maggs was the Executive Director of the Friends of Bon Echo. Dave Deacon was the President. John Haagsma was the Park Superintendent.
As a 25th anniversary initiative, the Friends of Bon Echo, working in collaboration with the Park staff, refurbished and updated the amphitheatre, an important focal point for Natural Heritage Education events and presentations.
In 2013, several special events and presentations were held at Bon Echo. CDHS Curator Margaret Axford gave two presentations on the Early Years of Bon Echo. Dr. Robert McLeman spoke on Climate Change. Musicians gave presentations at the amphitheatre including Bill White & White Pine, and David Archibald.
A successful Art Exhibition was held in the clearing that attracted 45 artists.Sciensational Sssnakes!! attended, as well as three bands: ‘Highway 41’, ‘My Brothers and I’ and ‘The Pickled Chicken String Band’.
A 25th Anniversary Gala Dinner and Dance was held in August at the Northbrook Lion’s Hall. It was a big year for the Bon Echo and The Friends. See the entire program in the Echos of the Rock here.