Festubert Post Office on Skootamatta – Loon Lake

Jan 13, 2024 | Featured Posts, General Information

This article was from the May-June 1991 edition of The Canadian Philatelist entitled: Festubert: A Wistful Memory of an Earlier Time by J. Ross Oborne

During the 1930s all that remained of the first Festubert seasonal post office on a tiny Ontario island in Loon Lake, now known as Skootamatta Lake, was the building’s granite fireplace and foundation. The post office had been located in Mike Schwaeger’s frame house. The house, with its three verandas and an outhouse, took up all the available space on the island.

Mike Schwager's Post Office - Festubert on Loon - Skootamatta Lake

Mike Schwager’s Post Office – Festubert on Loon – Skootamatta Lake

Mike became the first postmaster of Festubert when the post office opened on July 1, 1927.  To read the entire story click here.