A total of 207 photos from the Our Lady Of The Holy Rosary Cemetery have been added to the Cloyne and District Historical Society Flickr site here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/cdhs-cemeteries
This makes a total of 1,316 photos on the site. In the near future the Matawatchan Cemetery will also be added.

Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Cemetery in Griffith Otario
To date, Vennachar (138 photos) , Dempsey (240 photos), Cloyne Pioneer (5 photos), Northbrook (295 photos), Harlowe South (42 photos), Harlowe North (92 photos), Old Anglican Church Cemetery, Harlowe (9 photos), St. Paul’s Lutheran, Denbigh (94 photos), St. Luke’s United (153 photos), Denbigh (on Buckshot Lake Road, 5 photos), and Our Lady Of The Holy Rosary in Griffith (207 photos), cemeteries have been uploaded.
Searching by family name is easy. You can search only this site (recommended) by following the steps below.
1) Go back to Photostream (top left corner of this screen)
2) Click the magnifying glass to the right of the screen, then enter the family name to wish to search in the top search bar which should say Cloyne and District | Photos (enter your search word here). Click Enter on your keyboard.
To view the photo larger, use Ctrl + keys on your keyboard for a Windows computer. On a Mac computer use Command+
For additional historic photos, documents and videos of the area visit our main Flickr site: flickr.com/photos/cdhs/