Eariler this year a vintage VHS tape was digitized that was in storage for years. It was a copy of ‘For The Record’ documentary featuring Gene Brown and Nadine Brumell – founding members of the Pioneer Club. Both were instrumental in the writing and publishing of ‘The Oxen and The Axe”, the signature publication of the Cloyne and District Historical Society.

Gene Brown – ‘On The Record’
The docuementary was aired on TVO or CBC (or both) in the 1980s and has not likely been seen for nearly 40 years.
It was researched by Barry Penahale, an acclaimed researcher and recipient of The Ontario Historical Society Lifetime Achievement award in 2019 – see more information here.
The documentary was produced and directed by Ken Mackay, a teacher of radio and tv and former Excecutive Producer of TVO. Learn more about Ken’s interesting life here.
Please join us at our General Meeting November 21st, at 1pm in the Barrie Community Hall to see two or our notable authors reflect on our history. All are welcome and admission is always free.