Historical Society
We are celebrating 50 years of preserving the area’s past for future generations. The organization was born from the far-sighted wisdom of the founders of the Pioneer Club in 1972. It blossomed into The Cloyne & District Historical Society, a not-for-profit organization with charitable status in 2002.
Our catchment area stretches from Kaladar to Denbigh, Griffith – Matawatchan in the north, to Flinton in the west and Harlowe in the east. In healthy times, we explore this fascinating history during our monthly meetings in the Barrie Community Hall next to the Museum in Cloyne. We engage in local story-telling and research, produce a newsletter semi-annually, and interview folks to preserve their memoirs. We collect photographs and tell their stories on Flickr . Currently, the graves in each and every cemetery in the area are being photographed and indexed on this dedicated Flickr page.
The CDHS is a member of The Ontario Historical Society, The Archives Association of Ontario, The Ontario Museum Association, and The Kingston Association of Museums and Art Galleries.
We like to socialize. In non-COVID times, we were known for our Christmas Luncheons, Robbie Burns Suppers and pot-luck gatherings. We take bus tours, support the North Addington Education Centre and celebrate our musical history. We search out local authors and make their books available in our online bookstore.
In this our 51st year, membership is only $10.00 per person, per calendar year. If you would like to become a Patron and support the CDHS you have that option too. If you are new to the community, curious about local history and want to make some wonderful friends, welcome. With your contact details, we can keep you informed as to when our events will start again.

CDHS Invites You To Join Us!
Membership allows you to take full advantage of what the Society and Museum have to offer. Members are eligible to vote at all general meetings including the AGM and to run for a position on the Board of Directors. The annual fee is only $10.00 per person. Sign up today to learn and share our history!

CDHS Invites You To Join Us!
Membership allows you to take full advantage of what the Society and Museum have to offer. Members are eligible to vote at all general meetings including the AGM and to run for a position on the Board of Directors. The annual fee is only $10.00 per person. Sign up today to learn and share our history!