Contact Information

Cloyne and District Historical Society
Box 228, Cloyne On K0H 1K0

Telephone: Ken Hook, President 613-336-3211
Cindy Austin, Secretary, 
Flickr contact: Ken Hook, 

CDHS Board Members

Ken Hook


Cathy Newcombe


Ian Brumell


Cindy Austin


Warren Anderson

Immediate Past President

Catherine Grant


Eileen Flieler


Carolyn McCulloch


Questions? Concerns? Ideas? Reach out today.

CDHS Invites You To Join Us!

Membership allows you to take full advantage of what the Society and Museum have to offer. Members are eligible to vote at all general meetings including the AGM and to run for a position on the Board of Directors. The annual fee is only $10.00 per person.  Sign up today to learn and share our history!

CDHS Invites You To Join Us!

Membership allows you to take full advantage of what the Society and Museum have to offer. Members are eligible to vote at all general meetings including the AGM and to run for a position on the Board of Directors. The annual fee is only $10.00 per person.  Sign up today to learn and share our history!